Kamis, 15 Desember 2011



We all need to live in peace with each other
For outside us beyond us
Are vast vast worlds –

We are alone here on our own small planet
And we do not know how far we can get
And what there is outside our world –

We need to be alright with ourselves
So that when we confront the terrors of the distance
We will not destroy ourselves-

We must live in peace with each other
We must try to do the best we can
In a universe of ultimate uncertainty-
Perhaps somewhere along the way
We will vanish
Perhaps God will save us
We don’t know-
But we need to live in peace with each other
Not destroy ourselves
So we can face in the best way possible
The uncertainty of the unknown distant future.

Shalom Freedman

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Through The Years

 Let's sing together...... -->

Senin, 12 September 2011

Pel 69 - Expressions of Quantitiy

Ekspresi kuantitas adalah kata-kata yang menerangkan jumlah dari sebuah benda.

Contoh : some, any , many, much, . a lot (of ), a few, a little, two, a couple (of ), three, several , etc

Digunakan di depan kata benda ( a lot of people, some fruit, etc)

Dapat juga digunakan sendirian tanpa kata benda, jika yang dimaksud sudah jelas.

Contoh :

A : I need some brown desks
B : I don't have any, ask John, I think he has some

Lihat, pada contoh di atas any dan some digunakan sendirian tanpa kata benda karena sudah jelas yang dimaksud adalah any brown desks / some brown desks

Selamat belajar !

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Bahasa Indonesia lebih simpel dari Bahasa Inggris

Ini artikel copas, tapi lucu juga hehehehe......

In English : “Would you care to validate your previous statement?”
In Indonesian : “SUMPE LO?!
In English : “Sorry, I think you miscalculated your own capabilities to handle the task at hand.”
In Indonesian : “Nenek lu kiper!
In English : “Would you care to elaborate on that statement?”
In Indonesian : “MAKSUD LOH?!”
In English : “There’s a 75% chance I won’t make it, I’m far too busy for ur stupid event.”
In Indonesian : “Insya’allah gw dateng!”
In English : “The meeting will start at 9:15 AM. Please be there 15 minutes beforehand.”
In Indonesian : “Rapatnya jam 8!”

In English :”Let’s try this new scam and see if those carbo-ladden brains buy it”
In Indonesian : “Mama minta pulsa”
In English : “Please stop by our outlet. There might be stuff you’ll find interesting.”
In Indonesian : “Giordanonya, Kakaaak!”
In English : “I’ve stumbled upon something that might be of interest to you. You might find it useful.”
In Indonesian : “CEKIDOT GAN!”
In English : “I’m so overwhelmed by this turn of event that I’m speechless and in awe.”
In Indonesian : “ANJROT!”
In English : “This is a very interesting topic that everybody should stay updated about this.”
In Indonesian : “Sundul, Gan!”
In English : “I definitely won’t make it. You guys go and have fun without me.”
In Indonesian : “Ntar gue nyusul.”
In English : “You’re absolutely, positively 100% correct. But I knew that already.”
In Indonesian : “EMBEER!”
In English : “That’s so profound. I can’t contribute anything further but I need to say something to sound equally smart.”
In Indonesian : “Dalem.”

sumber: http://hermawayne.blogspot.com/2010/10/bukti-kalau-bahasa-indonesia-lebih.html

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Spontan dalam 1 menit

Coba lakukan latihan berikut ini, latihan ini sebaiknya dilakukan berdua secara bergantian. Caranya begini :
  1. Duduk / berdiri berhadapan.
  2. Siapkan stop watch , dan atur stop watch untuk berhenti menghitung setelah satu menit.
  3. Siapkan counter / penghitung.
  4. Sekarang berhadapan, satu orang pegang stop watch, satu orang lagi memegang counter.
  5. Nah yang pegang stop watch bertugas untuk mengucapkan sebanyak-banyaknya kata dalam bahasa Inggris secara spontan dan tanpa berpikir.
  6. Yang pegang counter, adalah pendengar dan sekaligus penghitung jumlah kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh temannya.
  7. Ketika stop watch berbunyi, lihat dan catat jumlah angka yang tertera di counter.
  8. Tukarkan alat dan lakukan yang sebaliknya.
Latihan ini akan melatih spontanitas dalam berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dan meminimalkan proses berpikir pada waktu berbicara. Sekaligus akan melatih pendengaran dalam berbahasa Inggris. Batas waktu tidak harus satu menit, bisa Anda tentukan sendiri, dan kosa kata bisa dalam bentuk word (kata) ataupun sentence (kalimat).
Selamat berlatih dan bersenang-senang.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Let's singing together

Ayo nyanyi bareng, setelah satu kali baca teks, dengarkan lagi lagunya tanpa baca teks, perhatikan berapa kalimat yang bisa Anda tangkap ? Dengan banyak memasukkan vocabulary ke dalam memori otak, dan latihan mendengarkan, Anda akan makin mudah berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

If Ican Make You Happy

It's a beautiful moment to meet You
An enchanted eyes
Beautiful smile
A smart laugh
Make my days bright
Though U are not mine

Sometimes I try to imagine
If I could be Yours
If I can make somebody like U happy
In the rest of my life
It will be life in me
In an unhappy life through the years
But I worry
That I'll only start a joke

The story U tell me
in my loneliness
like a star in a dark night

I just want to say
Thank you
To spend Ur time with me
Though I know it's only by chance

Once in my life
May be someday
I want to love somebody
I promise
I will learn to lo love
Like U have said
Every body deserves to have a better future
called HOPE

U need no read this
May be in the future
by chance

By Wen