Senin, 26 November 2012

Pelajaran 73 : Menggabungkan Dua Gagasan (4)

Menghubungkan dua gagasan dengan BECAUSE

Because mengekpresikan sebuah sebab / alasan. Because digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang terdiri dari :

Main Clause (klausa utama) misal : The children were upset
Adverb Caluse (klausa keterangan) : There was no food in the house

Penggabungan : The children were upset because there was no food in the house.

Penggabungan dengan because tidak memerlukan tanda koma dalam penulisannya, jadi frasa di atas tidak bisa dituliskan sbb :
The children were upset, Because there was no food in the house

Penggunaan koma dilakukan jika Because ditulis di bagian depan sbb :
Because there was no food in the house, the children were upset.

Coba gabungkan du kalimat ini sebagai latihan :

  1. The bridge is closed. We can't drive to the other side of river.
  2. He was busy. He couldn't pick up the the telephone
  3. I stayed under the tree. The sun was too hot.
  4. The weather was not good. We couldn't go to the swimming pool.
  5. The flood run into the city. It was the heavy rain

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